Live + Work

Elevate your daily environment

Designed for how you work and live.

The spaces in which we live and work have never been more interlinked than they are today. Our experienced team seeks to create environments with a sense of place, impacting how people live by creating multi-family living for real people and giving businesses tools for their success. No matter the market or complexity, we ensure our work reflects each client’s unique purpose and culture, designing with collaboration, flexibility, and technology in mind.


Live + Work

Feature Project

Studio Lead By

An agile team to suit all your architectural
and interior design needs.

With a team whose experience runs from hotel design to corporate headquarters, our Live + Work studio includes experienced teams that focus on corporate office design and multi-story housing buildings, as well as adaptive reuse, renovations, refreshes, and re-stacking of office spaces.

0 +

Livable Square Feet



0 s

of Unique Office Spaces

Live + Work Projects

  • All
  • Corporate
  • Multi-family
  • Pro Bono

Live + Work / Multi-family

Clarity Pointe

Corporate / Live + Work

Norfolk Southern Training Facility

Corporate / Live + Work

GSA Laboratory

Live + Work / Multi-family

Lodge at Bethany

Corporate / Live + Work

Wellstar Corporate Offices

Corporate / Live + Work


Live + Work / Multi-family

Renaissance on Henderson

Live + Work / Multi-family

Holbrook Decatur

Live + Work / Multi-family

Holbrook Acworth

Corporate / Live + Work

Clayton County BOE Offices

Live + Work / Multi-family

Walton on the Chattahoochee

Live + Work / Multi-family

Dogwood Forest of Grayson

Live + Work / Pro Bono

Reeves House – Woodstock Arts

Corporate / Live + Work

Northeast Georgia Corporate Office


We’ve been busy! CDH understands that how we design spaces where people live and work every day can have a huge impact on their daily lives. With millions of square feet of living and work space under our belt, there's no challenge we can’t overcome.
Sign up below to view our Live + Work Lookbooks now!